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Old Friends 4 Sale...The Friends That They're Not.

Writer's picture: Violet Brown, Esq.Violet Brown, Esq.


…but life is no fun, life ain't no fun without fantasy Some things are better left unsaid …some people are better left untrusted Maybe, maybe, maybe it'll all make sense when I'm dead… when I'm dead[1]


For almost three years now, I have been having conversations with Fam from all over the world about the state of the estate, Prince’s legacy, and those who appear to be Old Friends 4 Sale, using him and Fam grief to get whatever they can. Most of us are concerned about doing the right thing, and some are not certain how to go about it. Some folks, when making the assessment, think – did the person in question know Prince? If the answer is yes, then any and everything the person does - good, bad, or ugly is accepted. Uh, yeah…no.

I am always very vocal about those I support. I am also old-fashioned in the sense that when I don’t have anything nice to say about a person, I simply don’t speak about them at all. I’ll state up front that I started off with the way-too-simple assessment mentioned above, and have thus been wrong about people. I’ve learned a lot from the experiences, which color my current way of thinking.

I would suggest taking the inquiry regarding those who intend to make money off the relationship here: Did Prince in some way outwardly demonstrate that this person was important to him? Is there any evidence that he spent real time with them (other than the word of the person speaking after his passing)? Are other known associates, former band mates, designers, etc., supporting the person’s project? Is the person offering to share with you their real work, created with their whole heart, using their God-given talents, skills, and abilities (just as when they worked for/with him)? Does the project portray Prince and what he stood for in a positive light? Does the thing you paid them for exist? Did you get value for your money?


Preacher, preacher, is it true that Jesus wants me to give my money to the likes of you? Ride around in your Lexus Coupe Drive us to the cleaners in a pinstripe suit Preacher, that ain't truth[2]


If you find yourself regularly giving money and seeing no results, pay attention. Don’t fall victim to the users who are like that Pastor, constantly bragging to the congregation about the brand new tabernacle he’s going to build, that of course can’t be done without donations from the congregation … that, despite church members giving every dollar requested, with their whole hearts, never gets built. Sigh. Pastor stay sharp, and keep a nice ride though…

In the regular world, if a person paid good money to attend an event and the event did not happen, promoters provided no explanation, and not only kept the money, but turned around and asked the same person for more money to support a future event, said person would go ham. Anywhere else in the world, when a person pays good money for a quality product, but instead receives cheap garbage, somebody gets sued. Period.

Yet, somehow, in Purple World, when this behavior occurs, it is overlooked. Wrong is wrong. The fact that a person once worked in close proximity to someone you love and/or admire should not excuse bad behavior. In fact, specifically with regard to people who worked with and/or for Prince, I am of the opinion that honor, respect, and quality work should be the rule. Is your “love” for Prince clouding your judgment? Are you paying attention? Do you recognize quality? Are you rewarding bad behavior?


Old, old friends 4 sale Get'em while the gettin' is hot But U better watch out, they'll kiss U until they get what U got And they'll show U the friends that they're not Old friends 4 sale[3]


Do you know what a friend is? Recognize what true friendship looks like? Real friends support their friends’ endeavors. You own a restaurant; they BUY meals and encourage others to do so. You perform on stage; they BUY tickets and encourage others to do so. Friends don’t constantly look for a free ride or free meal from you. True friends are not just around to see what they can get from you, Purple or not. Real friends know your secrets and don’t use them to make a quick buck. Real friends care about you up to and beyond death. Prince once stated, “A real friend and mentor is not on your payroll. A real friend and mentor cares for your soul as much as they do their own.”[4] Would a real friend, even if they are an old friend, ever be 4 sale?

As a thinking adult, you can make your own decisions. I don’t profit off my love for Prince and will not help straight up users gain illegally or improperly off the grief of others. I’ll always support true work created in love.

Much Love 2 u,




Always on Our Minds ~ Forever in Our Hearts


[1] Prince, Old Friends 4 Sale, Unreleased Version.

[2] Prince, Family Name, The Rainbow Children, NPG Records 2001.

[3] See Note 1.

[4] 2004 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Speech.




VioletBInterACTive ©2020

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