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Tea ... Lemonade? Making Good Out of Bad.

Writer's picture: Violet Brown, Esq.Violet Brown, Esq.

TEA - Podcast on Prince


Hey Fam,

I had the opportunity to chat with Michael Dean on his Podcast on Prince[1], along with Ant Pooh, and … Cat Glover! Yes, Cat! Alphabet Street-Glam Slam (my fave btw, loooove Glam Slam, it really makes my day, okay I’ll stop) Cat! We discussed the Controversy, we learned a lot from each other, and laughed a whole lot (well at least I certainly did).

The conversation gave me much to reflect on in terms of people’s perceptions being affected by their position.

I enjoy talking with many of you, I appreciate your questions and concerns, and try to give information you can use to make decisions that best serve you. You know I’m all about staying in my lane and Positivity. Honest communication is key. This whole situation, this Thing Called Life … After is tough in myriad ways, and seeking a course that will help us all make it through together would seem paramount.

Humans are humans, we do what we do. When negative situations arise I tend to lean more toward logic and less toward the emotional. Yes, I have Women’s Intuition and can go with my gut, - I’m a Gemini, remember, I got two sides… :)

Anywho, these are the things I consider when mess pops up, and pop up it does, regularly, unfortunately. Smh. These factors can be considered and applied to anything, books to buy, artists to support, etc., and they are as follows:


Method of delivery - court document, social media post, news article, on stage, in a book? Some methods take seconds and not much effort. Consider the amount of time and effort put into the process.


Is it meant to help? Is it meant to hurt? If so, who is it meant to help/hurt? I.e., Help one’s self? Hurt others?


Is the message unnecessarily ugly? (Y’all know me, I don’t do ugly. In any way).

Is it filled with verified facts? (Note: Words coming out of a person’s mouth are not evidence unless they are testifying in front of a tribunal on the record, IMO. Additionally, a person you like can lie, and a person you don’t like can tell the truth. Facts are facts.)


Is the release of information right before some major event? Where I am from, the time for the truth is every day. Period.

In the end, Prince’s music is the way. LoveSexy anyone? He brought us together from all corners of the earth. If activity is afoot that brings us together to celebrate him and enjoy his creations, I’m for it. If it brings division and negativity, I’m out. I’m not about cancel culture. Although I am very vocal when I support someone and do everything I can to help encourage others to do the same, I can also walk away quietly and keep my money in my pocket, sans drama, when it comes to those I learn are intentionally hurting people and/or using people cuz again, I’m a Gem…never mind.

No need to try and get you to hate someone just because they did me or someone I care about wrong. What’s done in the dark will come to light, and it should. Still, we can tell the truth without tearing others down, and we can disagree without disrespect. We all do wrong at some point. We all have choices about the way forward from each mistake.

My hope is that we can all move to the music that brought us together, going forward in peace and with true Love4OneAnother. Check out the Podcast if you can. Cat tells the most entertaining stories about Prince and they’re filled with Positivity. I know every one of us could use a plus sign today. :)

Much Love 2 u,


IG: @violetesq




[1] TEA, Podcast on Prince, 4/19/2020 at

2 commentaires

Violet Brown, Esq.
Violet Brown, Esq.
21 avr. 2020

Thanks so much Miguelita :) I truly appreciate your time and support💜


I enjoyed the podcast for sure. I wish there was more of your input from a fan’s point of view. Every time you gave it, your opinion really anchored the discussion. Thanks Violet! Always appreciate your input!



VioletBInterACTive ©2020

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